Source code for pyspedas.cotrans.cotrans_lib

Functions for coordinate transformations.

Contains trasformations from/to the following coordinate systems:

Times are in Unix seconds for consistency.

These functions are in of IDL SPEDAS.
For a comparison to IDL, see:
import numpy as np
import logging
import datetime
from pyspedas.cotrans.igrf import set_igrf_params
from pyspedas.cotrans.j2000 import set_j2000_params

[docs] def get_time_parts(time_in): """ Split time into year, doy, hours, minutes, seconds.fsec. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. Returns ------- iyear: array of int Year. idoy: array of int Day of year. ih: array of int Hours. im: array of int Minutes. isec: array of float Seconds and milliseconds. """ tnp = np.vectorize(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp)(time_in[:],datetime.timezone.utc) iyear = np.array([tt.year for tt in tnp]) idoy = np.array([tt.timetuple().tm_yday for tt in tnp]) ih = np.array([tt.hour for tt in tnp]) im = np.array([tt.minute for tt in tnp]) isec = np.array([tt.second + tt.microsecond/1000000.0 for tt in tnp]) return iyear, idoy, ih, im, isec
[docs] def csundir_vect(time_in): """ Calculate the direction of the sun. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. Returns ------- gst: list of float Greenwich mean sideral time (radians). slong: list of float Longitude along ecliptic (radians). sra: list of float Right ascension (radians). sdec: list of float Declination of the sun (radians). obliq: list of float Inclination of Earth's axis (radians). """ iyear, idoy, ih, im, isec = get_time_parts(time_in) # Julian day and greenwich mean sideral time pisd = np.pi / 180.0 fday = (ih * 3600.0 + im * 60.0 + isec)/86400.0 jj = 365 * (iyear-1900) + np.fix((iyear-1901)/4) + idoy dj = jj - 0.5 + fday gst = np.mod(279.690983 + 0.9856473354 * dj + 360.0 * fday + 180.0, 360.0) * pisd # longitude along ecliptic vl = np.mod(279.696678 + 0.9856473354 * dj, 360.0) t = dj / 36525.0 g = np.mod(358.475845 + 0.985600267 * dj, 360.0) * pisd slong = (vl + (1.91946 - 0.004789 * t) * np.sin(g) + 0.020094 * np.sin(2.0 * g)) * pisd # inclination of Earth's axis obliq = (23.45229 - 0.0130125 * t) * pisd sob = np.sin(obliq) cob = np.cos(obliq) # Aberration due to Earth's motion around the sun (about 0.0056 deg) pre = (0.005686 - 0.025e-4 * t) * pisd # declination of the sun slp = slong - pre sind = sob * np.sin(slp) cosd = np.sqrt(1.0 - sind**2) sc = sind / cosd sdec = np.arctan(sc) # right ascension of the sun sra = np.pi - np.arctan2((cob/sob) * sc, -np.cos(slp)/cosd) return gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq
[docs] def cdipdir(time_in=None, iyear=None, idoy=None): """ Compute dipole direction in GEO coordinates. Parameters ---------- time_in: float iyear: int idoy: int Returns ------- list of float Notes ----- Compute geodipole axis direction from International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-13) model for time interval 1970 to 2020. For time out of interval, computation is made for nearest boundary. Same as SPEDAS cdipdir. """ if (time_in is None) and (iyear is None) and (idoy is None): logging.error("Error: No time was provided.") return if (iyear is None) or (idoy is None): iyear, idoy, ih, im, isec = get_time_parts(time_in) # IGRF-13 parameters, 1965-2020. minyear, maxyear, ga, ha, dg, dh = set_igrf_params() y = iyear - (iyear % 5) if y < minyear: y = minyear elif y > maxyear: y = maxyear year0 = y year1 = y + 5 g0 = ga[year0] h0 = ha[year0] maxind = max(ga.keys()) g = g0 h = h0 # Interpolate for dates. f2 = (iyear + (idoy-1)/365.25 - year0)/5. f1 = 1.0 - f2 f3 = iyear + (idoy-1)/365.25 - maxind nloop = len(g0) if year1 <= maxind: # years 1970-2020 g1 = ga[year1] h1 = ha[year1] for i in range(nloop): g[i] = g0[i]*f1 + g1[i]*f2 h[i] = h0[i]*f1 + h1[i]*f2 else: # years 2020-2025 for i in range(nloop): g[i] = g0[i] + dg[i]*f3 h[i] = h0[i] + dh[i]*f3 s = 1.0 for i in range(2, 15): mn = int(i*(i-1.0)/2.0 + 1.0) s = int(s*(2.0*i-3.0)/(i-1.0)) g[mn] *= s h[mn] *= s g[mn-1] *= s h[mn-1] *= s p = s for j in range(2, i): aa = 1.0 if j == 2: aa = 2.0 p = p * np.sqrt(aa*(i-j+1)/(i+j-2)) mnn = int(mn + j - 1) g[mnn] *= p h[mnn] *= p g[mnn-1] *= p h[mnn-1] *= p g10 = -g[1] g11 = g[2] h11 = h[2] sq = g11**2 + h11**2 sqq = np.sqrt(sq) sqr = np.sqrt(g10**2 + sq) s10 = -h11/sqq c10 = -g11/sqq st0 = sqq/sqr ct0 = g10/sqr stc1 = st0*c10 sts1 = st0*s10 d1 = stc1 d2 = sts1 d3 = ct0 return d1, d2, d3
[docs] def cdipdir_vect(time_in=None, iyear=None, idoy=None): """ Compute dipole direction in GEO coordinates. Similar to cdipdir but for arrays. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of floats iyear: list of int idoy: list of int Returns ------- list of float Notes ----- Same as SPEDAS cdipdir_vec. """ if ((time_in is None or not isinstance(time_in, list)) and (iyear is None or not isinstance(iyear, list)) and (idoy is None or not isinstance(idoy, list))): return cdipdir(time_in, iyear, idoy) if (iyear is None) or (idoy is None): iyear, idoy, ih, im, isec = get_time_parts(time_in) d1 = [] d2 = [] d3 = [] cdipdir_cache = {} for i in range(len(idoy)): # check the cache before re-calculating the dipole direction if cdipdir_cache.get(iyear[i] + idoy[i]) != None: d1.append(cdipdir_cache.get(iyear[i] + idoy[i])[0]) d2.append(cdipdir_cache.get(iyear[i] + idoy[i])[1]) d3.append(cdipdir_cache.get(iyear[i] + idoy[i])[2]) continue _d1, _d2, _d3 = cdipdir(None, iyear[i], idoy[i]) d1.append(_d1) d2.append(_d2) d3.append(_d3) cdipdir_cache[iyear[i] + idoy[i]] = [_d1, _d2, _d3] return np.array(d1), np.array(d2), np.array(d3)
[docs] def tgeigse_vect(time_in, data_in): """ GEI to GSE transformation. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float xgei, ygei, zgei cartesian GEI coordinates. Returns ------- xgse: list of float Cartesian GSE coordinates. ygse: list of float Cartesian GSE coordinates. zgse: list of float Cartesian GSE coordinates. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgei, ygei, zgei = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) gs1 = np.cos(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs2 = np.sin(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs3 = np.sin(sdec) ge1 = 0.0 ge2 = -np.sin(obliq) ge3 = np.cos(obliq) gegs1 = ge2 * gs3 - ge3 * gs2 gegs2 = ge3 * gs1 - ge1 * gs3 gegs3 = ge1 * gs2 - ge2 * gs1 xgse = gs1 * xgei + gs2 * ygei + gs3 * zgei ygse = gegs1 * xgei + gegs2 * ygei + gegs3 * zgei zgse = ge1 * xgei + ge2 * ygei + ge3 * zgei return xgse, ygse, zgse
[docs] def subgei2gse(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GEI to GSE. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GEI. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GSE. """ xgse, ygse, zgse = tgeigse_vect(time_in, data_in)"Running transformation: subgei2gse") return np.column_stack([xgse, ygse, zgse])
[docs] def tgsegei_vect(time_in, data_in): """ GSE to GEI transformation. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float xgei, ygei, zgei cartesian GEI coordinates. Returns ------- xgei: list of float Cartesian GEI coordinates. ygei: list of float Cartesian GEI coordinates. zgei: list of float Cartesian GEI coordinates. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgse, ygse, zgse = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) gs1 = np.cos(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs2 = np.sin(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs3 = np.sin(sdec) ge1 = 0.0 ge2 = -np.sin(obliq) ge3 = np.cos(obliq) gegs1 = ge2 * gs3 - ge3 * gs2 gegs2 = ge3 * gs1 - ge1 * gs3 gegs3 = ge1 * gs2 - ge2 * gs1 xgei = gs1 * xgse + gegs1 * ygse + ge1 * zgse ygei = gs2 * xgse + gegs2 * ygse + ge2 * zgse zgei = gs3 * xgse + gegs3 * ygse + ge3 * zgse return xgei, ygei, zgei
[docs] def subgse2gei(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSE to GEI. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GSE. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GEI. """ xgei, ygei, zgei = tgsegei_vect(time_in, data_in)"Running transformation: subgse2gei") return np.column_stack([xgei, ygei, zgei])
[docs] def tgsegsm_vect(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSE to GSM. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float xgse, ygse, zgse cartesian GSE coordinates. Returns ------- xgsm: list of float Cartesian GSM coordinates. ygsm: list of float Cartesian GSM coordinates. zgsm: list of float Cartesian GSM coordinates. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgse, ygse, zgse = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gd1, gd2, gd3 = cdipdir_vect(time_in) gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) gs1 = np.cos(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs2 = np.sin(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs3 = np.sin(sdec) sgst = np.sin(gst) cgst = np.cos(gst) ge1 = 0.0 ge2 = -np.sin(obliq) ge3 = np.cos(obliq) gm1 = gd1 * cgst - gd2 * sgst gm2 = gd1 * sgst + gd2 * cgst gm3 = gd3 gmgs1 = gm2 * gs3 - gm3 * gs2 gmgs2 = gm3 * gs1 - gm1 * gs3 gmgs3 = gm1 * gs2 - gm2 * gs1 rgmgs = np.sqrt(gmgs1**2 + gmgs2**2 + gmgs3**2) cdze = (ge1 * gm1 + ge2 * gm2 + ge3 * gm3)/rgmgs sdze = (ge1 * gmgs1 + ge2 * gmgs2 + ge3 * gmgs3)/rgmgs xgsm = xgse ygsm = cdze * ygse + sdze * zgse zgsm = -sdze * ygse + cdze * zgse return xgsm, ygsm, zgsm
[docs] def subgse2gsm(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSE to GSM. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GSE. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GSM. """ xgsm, ygsm, zgsm = tgsegsm_vect(time_in, data_in)"Running transformation: subgse2gsm") return np.column_stack([xgsm, ygsm, zgsm])
[docs] def tgsmgse_vect(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSM to GSE. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float xgsm, ygsm, zgsm GSM coordinates. Returns ------- xgse: list of float Cartesian GSE coordinates. ygse: list of float Cartesian GSE coordinates. zgse: list of float Cartesian GSE coordinates. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgsm, ygsm, zgsm = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gd1, gd2, gd3 = cdipdir_vect(time_in) gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) gs1 = np.cos(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs2 = np.sin(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs3 = np.sin(sdec) sgst = np.sin(gst) cgst = np.cos(gst) ge1 = 0.0 ge2 = -np.sin(obliq) ge3 = np.cos(obliq) # Dipole direction in GEI system gm1 = gd1 * cgst - gd2 * sgst gm2 = gd1 * sgst + gd2 * cgst gm3 = gd3 gmgs1 = gm2 * gs3 - gm3 * gs2 gmgs2 = gm3 * gs1 - gm1 * gs3 gmgs3 = gm1 * gs2 - gm2 * gs1 rgmgs = np.sqrt(gmgs1**2 + gmgs2**2 + gmgs3**2) cdze = (ge1 * gm1 + ge2 * gm2 + ge3 * gm3)/rgmgs sdze = (ge1 * gmgs1 + ge2 * gmgs2 + ge3 * gmgs3)/rgmgs xgse = xgsm ygse = cdze * ygsm - sdze * zgsm zgse = sdze * ygsm + cdze * zgsm return xgse, ygse, zgse
[docs] def subgsm2gse(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSM to GSE. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GSE. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GSE. """ xgse, ygse, zgse = tgsmgse_vect(time_in, data_in)"Running transformation: subgsm2gse") return np.column_stack([xgse, ygse, zgse])
[docs] def tgsmsm_vect(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSM to SM. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float xgsm, ygsm, zgsm GSM coordinates. Returns ------- xsm: list of float Cartesian SM coordinates. ysm: list of float Cartesian SM coordinates. zsm: list of float Cartesian SM coordinates. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgsm, ygsm, zgsm = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gd1, gd2, gd3 = cdipdir_vect(time_in) gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) gs1 = np.cos(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs2 = np.sin(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs3 = np.sin(sdec) sgst = np.sin(gst) cgst = np.cos(gst) # Direction of the sun in GEO system ps1 = gs1 * cgst + gs2 * sgst ps2 = -gs1 * sgst + gs2 * cgst ps3 = gs3 # Computation of mu angle smu = ps1 * gd1 + ps2 * gd2 + ps3 * gd3 cmu = np.sqrt(1.0 - smu * smu) xsm = cmu * xgsm - smu * zgsm ysm = ygsm zsm = smu * xgsm + cmu * zgsm return xsm, ysm, zsm
[docs] def subgsm2sm(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GSM to SM. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GSM. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in SM. """ xsm, ysm, zsm = tgsmsm_vect(time_in, data_in)"Running transformation: subgsm2sm") return np.column_stack([xsm, ysm, zsm])
[docs] def tsmgsm_vect(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from SM to GSM. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float xsm, ysm, zsm SM coordinates. Returns ------- xsm: list of float GSM coordinates. ysm: list of float GSM coordinates. zsm: list of float GSM coordinates. """ d = np.array(data_in) xsm, ysm, zsm = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gd1, gd2, gd3 = cdipdir_vect(time_in) gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) gs1 = np.cos(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs2 = np.sin(sra) * np.cos(sdec) gs3 = np.sin(sdec) sgst = np.sin(gst) cgst = np.cos(gst) # Direction of the sun in GEO system ps1 = gs1 * cgst + gs2 * sgst ps2 = -gs1 * sgst + gs2 * cgst ps3 = gs3 # Computation of mu angle smu = ps1 * gd1 + ps2 * gd2 + ps3 * gd3 cmu = np.sqrt(1.0 - smu * smu) xgsm = cmu * xsm + smu * zsm ygsm = ysm zgsm = -smu * xsm + cmu * zsm return xgsm, ygsm, zgsm
[docs] def subsm2gsm(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from SM to GSM. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in SM. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GSM. """ xgsm, ygsm, zgsm = tsmgsm_vect(time_in, data_in)"Running transformation: subsm2gsm") return np.column_stack([xgsm, ygsm, zgsm])
[docs] def subgei2geo(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GEI to GEO. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GEI. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GEO. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgei, ygei, zgei = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) sgst = np.sin(gst) cgst = np.cos(gst) xgeo = cgst * xgei + sgst * ygei ygeo = -sgst * xgei + cgst * ygei zgeo = zgei"Running transformation: subgei2geo") return np.column_stack([xgeo, ygeo, zgeo])
[docs] def subgeo2gei(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GEO to GEI. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GEO. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GEI. """ d = np.array(data_in) xgeo, ygeo, zgeo = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] gst, slong, sra, sdec, obliq = csundir_vect(time_in) sgst = np.sin(gst) cgst = np.cos(gst) xgei = cgst * xgeo - sgst * ygeo ygei = sgst * xgeo + cgst * ygeo zgei = zgeo"Running transformation: subgeo2gei") return np.column_stack([xgei, ygei, zgei])
[docs] def subgeo2mag(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GEO to MAG. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GEO. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in MAG. Notes ----- Adapted from spedas IDL file """ d = np.array(data_in) # Step 1. Transform SM to GEO: SM -> GSM -> GSE -> GEI -> GEO n = len(time_in) sm = np.zeros((n, 3), float) sm[:, 2] = 1.0 gsm = subsm2gsm(time_in, sm) gse = subgsm2gse(time_in, gsm) gei = subgse2gei(time_in, gse) geo = subgei2geo(time_in, gei) mag = geo # the output # Step 2. Transform cartesian to spherical. x2y2 = geo[:, 0]**2 + geo[:, 1]**2 # r = np.sqrt(x2y2 + geo[:, 2]**2) theta = np.arctan2(geo[:, 2], np.sqrt(x2y2)) # lat phi = np.arctan2(geo[:, 1], geo[:, 0]) # long for i in range(n): # Step 3. Apply rotations. mlong = np.zeros((3, 3), float) mlong[0, 0] = np.cos(phi[i]) mlong[0, 1] = np.sin(phi[i]) mlong[1, 0] = -np.sin(phi[i]) mlong[1, 1] = np.cos(phi[i]) mlong[2, 2] = 1.0 out = mlong @ d[i] mlat = np.zeros((3, 3), float) mlat[0, 0] = np.cos(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) mlat[0, 2] = -np.sin(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) mlat[2, 0] = np.sin(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) mlat[2, 2] = np.cos(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) mlat[1, 1] = 1.0 mag[i] = mlat @ out"Running transformation: subgeo2mag") return mag
[docs] def submag2geo(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from MAG to GEO. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in MAG. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GEO. Notes ----- Adapted from spedas IDL file """ d = np.array(data_in) # Step 1. Transform SM to GEO: SM -> GSM -> GSE -> GEI -> GEO n = len(time_in) sm = np.zeros((n, 3), float) sm[:, 2] = 1.0 gsm = subsm2gsm(time_in, sm) gse = subgsm2gse(time_in, gsm) gei = subgse2gei(time_in, gse) geo = subgei2geo(time_in, gei) # Step 2. Transform cartesian to spherical. x2y2 = geo[:, 0]**2 + geo[:, 1]**2 # r = np.sqrt(x2y2 + geo[:, 2]**2) theta = np.arctan2(geo[:, 2], np.sqrt(x2y2)) # lat phi = np.arctan2(geo[:, 1], geo[:, 0]) # long for i in range(n): # Step 3. Apply rotations. glat = np.zeros((3, 3), float) glat[0, 0] = np.cos(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) glat[0, 2] = np.sin(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) glat[2, 0] = -np.sin(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) glat[2, 2] = np.cos(np.pi/2.0 - theta[i]) glat[1, 1] = 1.0 out = glat @ d[i] glong = np.zeros((3, 3), float) glong[0, 0] = np.cos(phi[i]) glong[0, 1] = -np.sin(phi[i]) glong[1, 0] = np.sin(phi[i]) glong[1, 1] = np.cos(phi[i]) glong[2, 2] = 1.0 geo[i] = glong @ out"Running transformation: submag2geo") return geo
[docs] def ctv_mm_mult(m1, m2): """ Vectorized multiplication of two lists of 3x3 matrices. Parameters ---------- m1: array of float Array (3, 3, n). List of n 3x3 matrices. m2: array of float Array (3, 3, n). List of n 3x3 matrices. Returns ------- Array of float Array (3, 3, n). List of n 3x3 matrices. Notes ----- Adapted from spedas IDL file """ n = m1.shape[2] out = np.zeros((3, 3, n), float) out[0, 0, :] = np.sum(m1[0, :, :] * m2[:, 0, :], 0) out[1, 0, :] = np.sum(m1[1, :, :] * m2[:, 0, :], 0) out[2, 0, :] = np.sum(m1[2, :, :] * m2[:, 0, :], 0) out[0, 1, :] = np.sum(m1[0, :, :] * m2[:, 1, :], 0) out[1, 1, :] = np.sum(m1[1, :, :] * m2[:, 1, :], 0) out[2, 1, :] = np.sum(m1[2, :, :] * m2[:, 1, :], 0) out[0, 2, :] = np.sum(m1[0, :, :] * m2[:, 2, :], 0) out[1, 2, :] = np.sum(m1[1, :, :] * m2[:, 2, :], 0) out[2, 2, :] = np.sum(m1[2, :, :] * m2[:, 2, :], 0) return out
[docs] def j2000_matrix_vec(time_in): """ Get the conversion matrix for J2000 coordinates. Gives a matrix that transforms from mean earth equator and equinox of J2000 into the true earth equator and equinox for the dates and times. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. Returns ------- Matrix of float Transformation matrix. Notes ----- Adapted from spedas IDL file """ n = len(time_in) nutmat = np.zeros((3, 3, n), float) premat = np.zeros((3, 3, n), float) # Julian time 2440587.5 = Unix time 0 # Julian time = Unix time/(60*60*24.0) + 2440587.5 # J2000 is January 1, 2000 12:00:00 # = 2451545.0 Julian days # One Julian year = 365.25 days # One Julian century is 36525 days # J2000 time array in Julian centuries: time = (np.array(time_in)/(60.0*60.0*24) + 2440587.5 - 2451545.0)/36525.0 t2 = time**2 t3 = time**3 zeta = (0.11180860865024398e-01 * time + 0.14635555405334670e-05 * t2 + 0.87256766326094274e-07 * t3) theta = (0.97171734551696701e-02 * time - 0.20684575704538352e-05 * t2 - 0.20281210721855218e-06 * t3) zee = (0.11180860865024398e-01 * time + 0.53071584043698687e-05 * t2 + 0.88250634372368822e-07 * t3) sinzet = np.sin(zeta) coszet = np.cos(zeta) sinzee = np.sin(zee) coszee = np.cos(zee) sinthe = np.sin(theta) costhe = np.cos(theta) premat[0, 0, :] = -sinzet * sinzee + coszet * coszee * costhe premat[1, 0, :] = coszee * sinzet + sinzee * costhe * coszet premat[2, 0, :] = sinthe * coszet premat[0, 1, :] = -sinzee * coszet - coszee * costhe * sinzet premat[1, 1, :] = coszee * coszet - sinzee * costhe * sinzet premat[2, 1, :] = -sinthe * sinzet premat[0, 2, :] = -coszee * sinthe premat[1, 2, :] = -sinzee * sinthe premat[2, 2, :] = costhe r = 1296000.0 dtr = np.pi/(180.0) st = dtr/(3600.0) epso = st*(1.813e-3*t3-5.9e-4*t2-4.6815e+1*time + 8.4381448e+4) # Start: Calculations inside funar, sinco, cosco = set_j2000_params() fund = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] fund[0] = st*(335778.877+(1342.0*r+295263.137)*time-13.257*t2+1.1e-2*t3) fund[1] = st*(450160.28-(5.0*r+482890.539)*time+7.455*t2+8.0e-3*t3) fund[2] = st*(1287099.804+(99.0*r+1292581.224)*time-5.77e-1*t2-1.2e-2*t3) fund[3] = st*(485866.733+(1325.0*r+715922.633)*time+31.31*t2+6.4e-2*t3) fund[4] = st*(1072261.307+(1236.0*r+1105601.328)*time-6.891*t2+1.9e-2*t3) arg = funar @ fund t = [np.ones(n), time] sumpsi = np.sum(0.0001 * (sinco @ t) * np.sin(arg), 0) sumeps = np.sum(0.0001 * (cosco @ t) * np.cos(arg), 0) delpsi = st*sumpsi deleps = st*sumeps eps = epso + deleps # End: Calculations inside cosep = np.cos(eps) cosepO = np.cos(epso) cospsi = np.cos(delpsi) sinep = np.sin(eps) sinepO = np.sin(epso) sinpsi = np.sin(delpsi) nutmat[0, 0, :] = cospsi nutmat[0, 1, :] = -sinpsi*cosepO nutmat[0, 2, :] = -sinpsi*sinepO nutmat[1, 0, :] = sinpsi*cosep nutmat[1, 1, :] = cospsi*cosep*cosepO + sinep*sinepO nutmat[1, 2, :] = cospsi*cosep*sinepO - sinep*cosepO nutmat[2, 0, :] = sinpsi*sinep nutmat[2, 1, :] = cospsi*sinep*cosepO - cosep*sinepO nutmat[2, 2, :] = cospsi*sinep*sinepO + cosep*cosepO # ctv_mm_mult cmatrix = ctv_mm_mult(premat, nutmat) return cmatrix
[docs] def ctv_mx_vec_rot(m, v): """ Vectorized multiplication of n matrices by n vectors. Parameters ---------- m: array of float Array (k, k, n). List of n kxk matrices. Unually, it is 3x3 matrices, ie. k=3. v: array of float Array (n, k). List of n vectors. Returns ------- Array of float Array (n, k). List of n vectors. Notes ----- Adapted from spedas IDL file """ n = m.shape[2] k = m.shape[1] # This should be 3 for 3x3 matrices. a = np.zeros((k, k, n), float) for i in range(k): a[i] = v[:, i] out = np.sum(m * a, 0) return out
[docs] def subgei2j2000(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from GEI to J2000. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in GEI. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in J2000. """ d = np.array(data_in) cmatrix = j2000_matrix_vec(time_in) d_out = ctv_mx_vec_rot(cmatrix, d)"Running transformation: subgei2j2000") return np.transpose(d_out)
[docs] def subj20002gei(time_in, data_in): """ Transform data from J2000 to GEI. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in J2000. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in GEI. """ d = np.array(data_in) cmatrix = j2000_matrix_vec(time_in) # Get the inverse of the 3x3 matrices. icmatrix = np.transpose(cmatrix, (1, 0, 2)) d_out = ctv_mx_vec_rot(icmatrix, d)"Running transformation: subj20002gei") return np.transpose(d_out)
def get_all_paths_t1_t2(): """ Give a dictionary of existing sub functions in this file. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Dictionary of strings. """ p = {'gei': {'gse': 'subgei2gse', 'geo': 'subgei2geo', 'j2000': 'subgei2j2000'}, 'gse': {'gei': 'subgse2gei', 'gsm': 'subgse2gsm'}, 'gsm': {'gse': 'subgsm2gse', 'sm': 'subgsm2sm'}, 'geo': {'gei': 'subgeo2gei', 'mag': 'subgeo2mag'}, 'sm': {'gsm': 'subsm2gsm'}, 'mag': {'geo': 'submag2geo'}, 'j2000': {'gei': 'subj20002gei'}} return p def find_path_t1_t2(c1, c2, cpath=None): """ Find path from c1 to c2. Parameters ---------- c1: string Coordinate system. c2: string Coordinate system. Returns ------- List of strings. Path from c1 to c2. """ if cpath is None: cpath = [c1] elif c1 in cpath: return elif c2 in cpath: return else: cpath.append(c1) # Existing transformations. c_tr = get_all_paths_t1_t2() cn = c_tr[c1].keys() if len(cn) == 0: return if c2 in cn: cpath.append(c2) return cpath else: for c in cn: find_path_t1_t2(c, c2, cpath) return cpath def shorten_path_t1_t2(cpath): """ Find a shorter. Parameters ---------- cpath: list of string Coordinate system. Returns ------- List of strings. Path from c1 to c2. """ p = get_all_paths_t1_t2() out = [] newx = cpath.copy() tobreak = False for i in cpath: out.append(i) newx.remove(i) for j in reversed(range(len(newx))): if j > 0 and newx[j] in p[i]: out = out + newx[j:] tobreak = True break if tobreak: break return out
[docs] def subcotrans(time_in, data_in, coord_in, coord_out): """ Transform data from coord_in to coord_out. Calls the other sub functions in this file. Parameters ---------- time_in: list of float Time array. data_in: list of float Coordinates in coord_in. coord_in: string One of GSE, GSM, SM, GEI, GEO, MAG, J2000. coord_out: string One of GSE, GSM, SM, GEI, GEO, MAG, J2000. Returns ------- Array of float Coordinates in coord_out. """ data_out = data_in coord_systems = ['GSE', 'GSM', 'SM', 'GEI', 'GEO', 'MAG', 'J2000'] coord_all = [a.lower() for a in coord_systems] coord_in = coord_in.lower() coord_out = coord_out.lower() if coord_in not in coord_all: logging.error("Unknown coord_in value %s",coord_in) return None if coord_out not in coord_all: logging.error("Unknown coord_out value %s",coord_out) return None if coord_in == coord_out: logging.warning("Warning: coord_in equal to coord_out.") return data_out # Construct a list of transformations. p = find_path_t1_t2(coord_in, coord_out) p = shorten_path_t1_t2(p) p = shorten_path_t1_t2(p) # Daisy chain the list of transformations. for i in range(len(p)-1): c1 = p[i] c2 = p[i+1] subname = "sub" + c1 + "2" + c2 data_out = globals()[subname](time_in, data_out) return data_out